Neurotoxic effects of metallic oxide PbO2 nanoparticles to medaka fish (Oryzias latipes) in different water metrics

Te-An Kunga, K. Kanga and P. J. Chena\

a Department of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, China

Nanoscale lead dioxide (nPbO2(s)) is a corrosion byproduct, formed from the chlorination of lead-containing plumbing materials. This metal oxide nanoparticle (NP) plays a key role in determining lead pollution in drinking water and receiving water bodies. Natural water matrices with different salts or organic matters may affect aqueous redox conditions, thus altering the stability of nPbO2(s) or contributing to lead (Pb2+) releasing. Lead is a toxic metal that causes multiple adverse effects including neurotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, deleterious effects on the hematologic and cardiovascular systems. However, the interactions of nPbO2(s) with water matrices associated toxicity are less known. This study evaluates the aqueous chemistry and toxicological responses of nPbO2(s) associated to different water matrices using medaka fish (Oryzias latipes) as a model organism. The medaka larvae were treated with solutions containing either nPbO2(s) or Pb(II)(aq) in soft water with 5mg/L humic acid (SW+HA) or very hard water (VHW) for 10 days. At the endpoint, in vivo toxic effects, consisting of locomotor activity and neurotoxicity related gene expressions were measured. The result showed that dissolved salts enhanced aggregation and sedimentation of nPbO2(s) in VHW water. On the contrary, the presence of HA in water enhanced the particle stability and slightly accelerated lead dissolution. We observed that nPbO2(s) in VHW solutions showed higher interference in locomotor activities of medaka larvae, as compared to those in SW+HA solutions. Furthermore, genes involved central nervous system development (e.g. α1-tubulin and myelin basic protein) or acetylcholinesterase were downregulated with nPbO2 (10 and 20 mg/L) in VHW, as compared to the control. Our investigation indicated a higher toxicological risk (e.g., neurotoxic effect) of metal oxide NP (e.g., nPbO2) when they are present in hard water matrices of higher ion strength.

Keyword: nPbO2; nanoparticle; hard water; locomotor activity; toxicity

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