Nitrate increases the risk of antimony release in soil water interface

Zhao-Feng Yuan a, b, W. Gustave a, b and Z. Chen a*

aDepartment of Health and Environmental Sciences, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, P. R. China

bDepartment of Environmental Science, University of Liverpool, UK

Antimony (Sb) is a priority pollutant in the environment, but much less attention has been paid for migrating Sb risk than its sister element arsenic (As). Contaminations of Sb and As are always co-occurring as a result of mining activities. Interestingly, the behaviours of Sb and As are quite different under changing redox conditions. Arsenic tends to be mobilized under reducing conditions as a result of arsenate desorption from iron oxides reduction as well as its subsequent reduction to arsenite, while the inverse was observed for Sb. Paddy soils are the largest artificial wetlands in the world, and supporting the growth of rice. In order to maintain a high yield, NO3-1 fertilizer is usually applied. It is well recognized NO3-1 is the strongest oxidizer in saturated soils after O2 is depleted. However, the influence of NO3-1 application on Sb mobility remains largely unsolved, but the relative research would be crucial for mitigating Sb risk in rice production. We hypothesized the release of Sb in soil water interface could be triggered by applying NO3-1 fertilizer in flooded paddy soils. A novel technology, entitled Integrated Porewater Injection (IPI) profiler, was used to explore the high-resolution (mm level) Sb profile (10 mm in overlying water and 50 mm in soils) repeatedly in Shaoguan (SG) paddy soils with or without NO3-1 addition (500 μM NO3-1·L-1 in overlying water). Before applying NO3-1, overlapping profiles were observed for the NO3-1 treatments and control soils. The Sb profile in the SG paddy soils can be divided into three stages: 1) high Sb (~3 μg·L-1) was observed in oxic condition (overlying water and the top 3 mm soil); 2) Sb decreased dramatically to low concentration (~1 μg·L-1) in reducing soils near soil water interface; 3) Sb incraesed slowly to high concentration (~3 μg·L-1) in deep soils. Nitrate addition significantly increased Sb concentration in top soils (2-13 mm). The fast tranformation of NO3-1 in the top reducing soils may explain why the influence of NO3-1 on Sb release is restricted in top soils. Eight days after the NO3-1 addition, the extra release of Sb in top soils disappears. These results indicate NO3-1 application in paddy soils would lead to a temporary antimony release in soil water interface. Therefore, great care should be taken to apply NO3-1 in Sb polluted paddy soils. Furthermore, more studies are required to elucidate the correlation between Sb behaviours and N cycling in aquatic ecosystems.

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