Isolation of antimony resistant bacterium and their detoxification mechanisms

Jiumei Longa,b, B. Y. Lia and M. Leia

aCollege of Resource & Environment, Hunan Agricultural University, China

bCollege of Life Sciences & Environment, Hengyang Normal University, China

Biotransformation of metals and metalloids by microorganisms is very applicable for heavy metal pollution bioremediation in the environment. Microbial transformations of Sb that promote precipitation and immobilization in situ, therefore, are promising strategies for remediation of Sb contamination. However, the knowledge of microbial Sb mechanism is still limited. The present study isolated three strains of Sb resistant bacterium from Sb contaminated soils, which were designated as B1, B2 and B3. With phylogenetic identification, B1 strains was of Ochrobactrum.sp, B2 and B3 were of Bacillus.sp. Among these three strains, B1and B2 showed antimonite super-resistant ability,with both of their MICs for antimonite being > 20 mM. However, the MIC of B3 for antimonite was <1 mM. Furthermore, this study found that strain B1 could perform the antimonite detoxification through production of Sb2O3 precipitation in antimonite solution. However, the antimonite detoxification of strain B2 was not implied in the present study. To date, the MIC of B1 for antimonite in this study was the highest among all the previous studied Sb resistant bacterium, and the precipitation of Sb was another important detoxification mechanism for Sb resistant bacterium.

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