Health risk from environmental cadmium in geochemical anomaly area of Guangxi

Xin-Ying Zhanga, Y.J. Songa, Y.C. Weia, J.R. Qina , X.F. Wangb, X.Z. Qinb and C. Zhonga

a Environment and Life Science College, Nanning Normal University, China

b Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Environmental Monitoring Centre , China

High background value of heavy metals has being a confused problem for the environmental protection departments in the process of soil environmental quality management. Therefore, a typical high cadmium background region has been selected as a research area. Human exposure through soil, homegrown products, drinking water, dust will be analyzed and calculated, which will be intergated with the body burden indicator(urine cadmium content) and health indicators(NAG enzyme, β2-microglobulin, retinal binding protein ),human health risk in high soil cadmium region then was assessed scientifically. The results showed that the mean of male urine cadmium content is 1.46 μg/gCr,and female urine cadmium content is 2.09 μg/gCr,which showed a higher level than American (0.32-0.40 μg/L)、Canadian (0.24-0.39 μg/L)、Korean (male 0.66 μg/L、female 0.73 μg/L)、Japanese (1.3 μg/gCr). The female has a higher level than the male(p<0.01). Chi-square test and linear card test showed that the abnormal incidence of urinary β2-MG, urinary NAG and urinary RBP increased with the increase of urinary Cd level, and its sensitivity rank was urinary β2-MG>urine NAG>urine RBP. When the urinary Cd level was 2<UCd≤5μg/gCr, the average level of urinary β2-MG abnormal rate was 54.5%, the average urinary NAG abnormal rate was 17.4%, and the average urinary RBP abnormal rate was 12.9%. When the urinary Cd level was at UC> 5μg/gCr, urinary β2-MG abnormal rate averaged 72.7%, urinary NAG abnormal rate averaged 31.8%, urinary RBP abnormal rate averaged 18.2%, indicating that environmental Cd exposure can lead to increased Cd burdern, and with the increase of cadmium burden, the abnormal renal function is more obvious. The index of urine β2-MG as the environmental risk assessment of environmental Cd exposure is the most sensitive than urinary NAG and urinary RBP, and it can reflect the damage of renal function caused by Cd.

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