Agromining: farming for metals and the valorization of metal-contaminated lands and wastes

Alan J. M. Bakera,b,c, J. L. Morela, G. Echevarriaa, P. S. Kiddd, M. Puschenreitere, M. Konstantinouf and A. van der Enta,b

aLaboratoire Sols et Environnement and LABEX Ressources21, ENSAIA/INRA, Université de Lorraine, France

bCentre for Mined Land Rehabilitation, Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland, Australia

cSchool of BioSciences, The University of Melbourne, Australia

dIstituto de Investigaciones Agrobiológicas de Galicia, CSIC, Spain

eDept of Forest and Soil Sciences, Inst Soil Research, University Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria

fDept of Landscape Architecture, Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Institute of Technology, Greece

Serpentine (ultramafic) outcrops in Europe cover > 10,000 km2 and have a low fertility and low productivity, making them unattractive for traditional agriculture. These areas are generally slowly being abandoned by local farmers, affected by strong rural exodus and landscapes undergo a process of closure. However, ultramafic landscapes have the potential to provide multiple ecosystem services that can contribute to Europe’s goals towards ensuring food security, production of renewable raw materials and renewable energy. Agromining aims at cultivating metal hyperaccumulator plants that are able to accumulate nickel and other strategic elements from metal-enriched soils and transport them to the shoots (> 1%), which can then be harvested as a bio-ore. Such metal-rich biomass can be used to recover highly valuable metals such as nickel, and also to produce energy (heat, electricity) and hence the circular economy. Nickel agromining can thus offer an eco-efficient alternative to classical pyro- or hydrometallurgical processes without disturbing the soil cover and the geology from soils and rocks that would be considered as low-grade ores or sterile material unsuitable for conventional mining methods. Phytomining agro-ecosystems can lead to better soil resource efficiency and can offer a fully integrated, new agromining agriculture that could cover thousands of km2 in Europe, benefit local communities with a sustainable rural development and provide a wide array of ecosystem services which will need to be optimized under a life cycle assessment methodology: (1) Production of bio-sourced metal products; (2) Production of energy biomass; (3) Restoration of soil fertility for conventional agriculture (Ni stress); (4) Limiting Ni intake by local populations and farmers; (5) Use and conservation of local biodiversity (plant and soil fauna and microflora) as cultivated ecosystems; (6) Storage of carbon in cultivated soils and (7) Enhancement of pollination activity at landscape level. In SE Asia, there are also vast areas of ultramafic (lateritic) soils where agromining can be applied. These include both forested and cleared areas uneconomic for traditional mineral exploitation, as in Malaysia, Indonesia and New Caledonia. Work is currently underway in Sabah to restore some value to land abandoned after failed oil palm crops. Agromining can also be integrated into the planning of progressive mineral exploration and post-mining restoration for new mineral concessions. Nickel agromining may therefore be helpful in changing the economical balance in historically-disadvantaged ultramafic regions of the world.

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